Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Days

Today was a day full of firsts.   This morning we went to a music class at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community center just two blocks from our house.  You're familiar with the place already as we go to the park and/or playroom there almost daily.  The class today was small, only four kids all together, and was held in a room with a stage and wall of mirrors.  Those two items kept the kids as entertained as the music itself did!  You were the youngest one there but you did a great job of playing little instrument that went from one kid to the next while the group sang to each one.  You waited (almost patiently) for your turn and then played like a pro.  I was so proud of you!  You enjoyed the end of the class most I think when the big box of musical instruments came out.  You seemed to rock out with the large bells you could play and the cymbals.  You're doing such a great job of listening to mom when we need to share with other kids or at the very least not grab things out of their hands!  At one point the teacher was standing and singing a song.  You hopped out of my lap and walked right up to her and put your arms up.  Ha!  Friendly little thing you are!  She obliged and picked you up.  Then when she sat with the group for another song you went over and sat in her lap.  My goodness!  You've never really done that before.  I think you also enjoyed being at the front of the group!

After class we came home, had some lunch, and I eventually got you down for a nap.  You slept for a while before you woke up screaming.  What?!  I actually thought maybe you'd been bitten by something or scared by something you saw in your room but no... I do believe it is simply the molar that is taking FOREVER to come through.  You have a big, painful looking bump on your lower left gum.  I managed to get you back to sleep and you slept all the way until we needed to go for our first day of preschool!  

Before we moved away from Capitol Hill, we registered you for a Tots class at the Capitol Hill Co-Op Preschool.  Today was your very first day!  Normally we will go two days a week from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.  Since it's a big change we start the first week with just one day.  What fun you had!  It was mostly a lot of open play and exploring the space.  Some of your favorites were the huge bear in the reading area, the grocery carts in the play kitchen area, and painting!  At one point you simply took off and walked circles around on the carpet with your arm in the air.  I think you were expressing some joy!

When there is a toy that you enjoy, you are very determined to have and keep it.  As a mom, part of me struggles to encourage good behavior when playing with other children but a bigger part of me is truly pleased that you are not shy or inhibited to go after what you want even when you are the youngest or the smallest in a group!  Hopefully we will later channel this determination into a motivation to achieve and not simply acquire!

Your first molar coming in has made for some rough times the last weeks (maybe months!) but you are also becoming more and more sweet, loving, affectionate.  You regularly show this affection for mom, dad, friends, random children on the playground, dogs, and a variety of stuffed bears by leaning your head against them.  Sometimes there's a hug or a gentle pat but usually first comes you leaning in and touching them somewhere with the top of your head or forehead.  I love having this glimpse into your person, seeing what you are attracted to and have feelings for.  You continue to love music and dancing.  Someday I hope to hear you singing!  Your walking skills have improved quickly and people often comment on how well you're doing.  You regularly now will simply come up to me or Matt carrying your shoes in your hands.  The message is a very clear, "put these on me!"

I got a little sad the other day thinking about this year that has passed.  It has been just simply, wonderfully incredible.  You have become this shining, smiling person with an immense personality!  So much has happened and I wish I could keep each moment in the front of my mind to revisit over and over for the rest of my life.  But then I realized that it has ONLY been ONE YEAR!  One year of your long life ahead!  I started to think about your fist days in school and all the summer vacations and holidays to come.  Thank you for bringing so much anticipation and excitement to our lives, Violet.  Living life with your perspective to think about makes it rich and beautiful beyond imagine.

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