You are six months old! Such a big girl. You're sitting up! You roll and roll and roll! You try to crawl and you're close but quite yet. The other morning your dad called me to come down to the living room where he stood staring at you. You were laying on your tummy on the hardwood floor. "I set her down over THERE," he said, pointing to a spot on the carpet about six feet away. Roller!
Here are some other highlights from the last few weeks:
Yesterday while I was rocking you to sleep I thought I'd try the pacifier again. You tolerated it for awhile before you just started playing with it. This time though you popped it out of your mouth, turned it around, and aimed it directly at mine. Ha! "Here mom. YOU try this thing. It sucks!"
A few days ago we were sitting in a neighborhood park with a small community garden. I thought you were just staring off into space again but I realized you were seriously observing about six small finches flying around a bird feeder before you caught sight of a crow fly across the sky above. It is so fun to watch you, well, watching. You're noticing so many more things about your environment these days.
We have a board book called In My Nest that we've been reading off and on since you were born. Sometimes you just get soooo frustrating because all you want to do is chew on the books. But you're becoming more interested lately. This book has a little finger puppet of a bird in a nest. A hole in each page shows the puppet. After we finished reading it (and you chewed on the bird for a few seconds) you held the book and turned it over to look at the back where my finger was in the puppet. Then you looked at the front where the bird is. Then back again Front, back, front, back. You are trying to figure it out! The wheels are turning!
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