Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Moment

You are waking up very early these days...  6 a.m. is the new normal it seems.  That's the time mom and dad were waking up to have an hour or so together before you woke up but I think you're onto us!  Well, that means your first nap comes about 7:30 a.m.  This morning, while you laid curled up against me nursing to sleep, I took a moment... lifted my head to get some perspective.  I'm beginning to worry about these moments and how I'll ever be able to remember how beautiful and amazing they are in a year, five years, ten years from now.  I have a notoriously bad memory but I'm trying now to commit the details to my memory so that I can savor them when you're too old to cuddle.  :)  Your little hand was resting on my chest and your knees bent and your little feet pulled up against my thighs.  That was one realization right there.  I remember very clearly when your little feet were just at my hip level when we laid together in this position (that's a delicate way of saying I remember when you got to a length where your kicks were particularly bothersome!).  Now your feet are closer to my knees than my hips.  Such a very big girl!  You are only 5 months old and I cannot believe how much you have changed and grown.  I wish I could jump back to your newborn days and just feel your little body once more, those tiny little hands and skinny legs, with the perspective I have now.  You are very solidly a little person now!  I feel so lucky that I don't have to rush off to work right now and stay home with you, even when we have a difficult day or two.  I would not miss this for the world.  

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